Welcome to the first posting on my Blog, My Turn. Since it is My Turn, I thought I would get the "What I Believe" statement out of the way:
I believe that Native Americans needed a better immigration policy.
I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone.
I believe that the designated hitter rule is for wimps.
I believe that our system of government is highly flawed, but it is the best system out there.
I believe that the oil companies have alternative energy plans locked up in their basements.
I believe in nuclear (New Clear) power.
I believe Japan got what it deserved.
I believe Mullets were a plot hatched by the French.
I believe Reality TV isn’t
I believe that anyone that doesn’t know how to cast a ballot doesn’t deserve to.
I believe not everyone can win. Kids need to learn to deal with defeat.
I believe that Tom Metzgar and Bill Riccio got what they deserved.
I believe Saddam Hussein had links to Al Queda even if he didn’t participate in 911.
I believe there were WMD in Iraq.
I believe that JFK and LBJ should have traded seats in the limo.
I believe in the red line.
I believe that OJ did it.
I believe that Michael did it.
I believe that Robert did it.
I believe that Rush did it.
I believe that Dennis Miller sucked on MNF.
I believe that everyone should read the Bible at least once.
I believe that everyone should read the Koran at least once.
I believe in everyone’s right to disagree with the things I believe.
If you read this, thank a teacher. If you read it in English, thank a soldier.
Excellent start to what looks to be a great read in days and weeks to come!
Bravo kid...and welcome to the world of blgging...it's obvious you're already a part of the "I've got MY point of view" world!
8:00 AM
Phred, you're my hero. And so is your dad, perched on the wing of that P-47 'Jug'. America's greatest generation, without a doubt. We owe them more than we can ever repay.
8:54 PM
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