More of a Ramble than a Rant
Ya know, I’ve been reading articles, and maybe just a blog or two, not to mention watching segments in the news, all about caricatures of Mohamed that were published in Denmark back in September. My non-biological brother Rory, yes that very same Rabid Irish Setter of the Right Wing and author of Common Sense Rants, made some very excellent points about taking “art” in the context of the artist who created the work. I can even understand some outrage on the part of members of the Islamic faith.
What I don’t understand is the mentality that when you are outraged you have to take lives and destroy the city you live in. It’s not like your team just won the Stanley Cup or anything. Another point I don’t understand is the demands for an apology from the United States. Last time I checked, Denmark was not part of the USA, nor did it want to become the 51st state. Next thing we know we’ll be expected to budget military aid for Palestine to protect it from those evil Israelis. (I only mentioned this in hopes it will give the DNC an idea for their next presidential run).
This morning I read that Iran is conducting a contest to get the most offensive holocaust cartoons to see if the west will go ballistic. Yea, there’s going to be cries of outrage, but I have a feeling there will be more desire to burn down the news paper in Iran than the kid’s school across the street.
Well, that's my ramble. Comment if ya want.
I have a problem with an absolute right to freedom of speech. As a Supreme Court justice once said shouting fire in the middle of a field is freedom of speech, shouting fire in a crowded theatre when there is no fire is against the law. I think we should all adopt some self control. People burn down their own cities because they are frustrated - doesn't excuse it just explains. I think the US government gives military aid to Israel to protect it from those vile arabs - and why not. It's OK for Israel to exist - and so is it OK for Palestine to exist too. Lets have some reason in the world.
11:40 AM
OOOOhhhh why can't we all just get along?
Wasn't this the plea of an American when unruly mobs were torching stores and burning cars in LA a few years back?
Now we've got similar malcontents with the same genetic code as hyenas burning Danish flags and worse, because they don't like a few cartoons.
Well guess what? Tough! Move out of Denmark. Move out of every FREE country that your type live in. Go back to your caves and live in pieces blowing each other up to your hearts content. Perhaps you can save a virgin or two for your grandchildren. But step off from OUR free countries.
I've had it with these pigs.
Sorry about the "anonymous" thing, but I don't want to have my head sawed off because some whining Islamo-scum got his feeling hurt over my comment...YOU know who I am!
12:43 PM
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