These are my opinions on pretty much any subject that I think begs for my comments. You'll find my comments lean toward the conservative side (OK, so there's no left turn signal on my car)so if you are offended by conservative thought you may as well go find a tree to hug now.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Be Vewy Vewy Quiet....

When Dick Cheney shot Harry Whittington, that was news that maybe the White House should have had some heads up on. The US Media, however, has made it appear that Mr. Cheney was “shootin’ it out in Dodge City on a Saturday night” and left his friend in a pool of blood while he rode Karl Rove back to the local saloon. In addition, they seem to think the White House had dispatched its evil minions and black helicopters to attempt to keep this story away from them. Now the press seems to be upset because Mr. Cheney didn’t report that Mr. Wittington had a heart attack on Tuesday while he was still in the hospital!

OK let’s get something straight:
1. If I just shot a friend of mine, I’m not running to the press while he is still on the ground or while he is in surgery. At this point, if I were the VP, I’m doing what my Secret Service detail is telling me to. (My gun is freshly unloaded and theirs still have full mags)

2. The press can just eat my shorts. If they don’t want to follow the VP on vacation then they have to learn to live with being scooped by the Bugtussel Gazzette.

3. If he didn’t see they guy he shot in the first place, how do you expect him to tell you everything that happened. Let the eyewitnesses make the descriptions. If he screwed up, they’ll tell you.

4. The fact that Ms. Armstrong is still alive to tell the tail says something. Had it been the Clinton administration, she would have “committed suicide” or the story would have spun into a murder suicide while the VP was in Wyoming.

5. The police said alcohol was not a factor in the accident for the VP (even if it was TX). Asking the doctor who examined the victim about Mr. Cheney’s alcohol level is just plain stupid. Oh wait, I forgot that I’m talking about the mainstream media.

6. Mr. Wittington had a heart attack while at the hospital in Texas. Unless he is in the Lincon bedroom at the White House, get up off your ass, go to Texas and ask his doctor about his health, not Mr. Cheney.

7. Nancy Pelosi looks under her own bed for Right Wing conspiracies. Anyone listening to her can also eat my shorts. If you put her and Al Gore in the same porn movie, it would still be gay porn.

These are my opinions, and you bet I’m entitled to them. I’m sure the members of the media could care less, and I’m sure Ms. Pelosi couldn’t give two rat’s whiskers; but, if you have a comment, be sure to leave it.


Blogger PRK said...

Well folk, my brother on the other coast hits it right on the head with this one! (Or is it, SHOOTS it right IN the head)? If it happened in Fort Marcy Park, we may have never heard about it...oh wait, Hillary wasn't sleeping with Harry Whittington!
Good job!

12:12 PM


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